Chapter NEVER in Order: Monday

            “Did you go to the bathroom? Do you need to go to the bathroom? We aren’t stopping until we get to Hvammur.”
I went already!” Alva, all elbows and knees at six years old, hopped from one freshly polished shoe to the other, kicking up dirt. She stretched up her arms for Monday to lift her into the basket-like saddle on the dragon's back.
Monday blew a disgusted harrumph through his gray whiskers and regarded the bouncing child with narrowed eyes. “Go again!” he barked, “and hurry up!” Alva scampered away to the outhouse, holding the periwinkle skirts of her best dress high above the course, damp grass of the field.
It was too early in the morning; a prickling mist flavored the air, veiling the fiery hues of the forest that enclosed the runway field. Monday pulled his wool-lined aviator cap more securely down his bald head and glowered at the saturated skies, daring the heavens to do their worst. It began to rain in earnest. “Perfect,” he muttered, and stalked around the waiting dragon to double check the harness and fastenings. He was a full grown horned dragon and as good natured as a dragon can be expected to be – which means too lazy to be vicious. His broad, flat back was well suited for carrying many passengers, if they didn't mind getting tossed like a salad.

Chapter Still Not in Order: Sunday

Some common faults among those who come first in the chronological order of their siblings are bossiness, an inflated sense of self-righteousness, and an overdeveloped responsible attitude. Sunday possessed all three. His brothers, for the most part, tolerated his controlling nature with grumbling compliance, but the recent addition to their family brought out a protective side of him akin to a mother bear. The other six could only tolerate so much.

Bring home a human child completely out of the blue? Fine.

Demand they stop using foul language in front the kid? No problem.

But make them clean the house? Had he lost his mind?!

Chapter what? (Part 1)

Completely out of order, but at this point I don't care. 

Background info: 
Estelle, the evil queen of Tek, crashed a party and then made everyone inside Delmar Castle fall asleep with magic. Among the snoring is Princess Philia, Alva's close friend. Alva (the main character, durr) and her friend Graff (a dwarf who hasn't met many humans) want to break the spell on Delmar, and they have NO CLUE what they're doing. So they took a dragon to the castle to see what's crack-a-lacking. 

[AN: This opening is so laaaaame!] Alva had been riding dragons for over ten years, but she nearly toppled off the saddle and fell 500 feet to land in a wheat field when she saw the state of Delmar. Graff tightened his grip around her waist, he saw it too; a mass of green clawing up the outer curtain wall of the castle, thorny vines and tendrils wrapping around buttresses and reaching up, up, up to the battlement and watchtowers, choking the gateways and moat. A black wound scorched the south-east wall, a dozen cottages were nothing but burned out shells. The streets and squares were empty, motionless, no one hurrying and jostling and shouting in the market. Graff saw it and he didn't, he didn't see it with Alva's eyes, who had gone to school on State Street and sat in a crowded stand at tournaments and loitered with other bucket-laden young women at the well. She woke up every morning to clean, white, limestone towers sparkling above a bustling city, she spilled cake on her skirt at a birthday party with laughter and flushed cheeks. How could it change so drastically in less than three months?

AN: NaNoWriMo?

First thing:
NaNoWriMo? HAha. NOOOOOO. I would DIE, ok? I did it (and won :3 ) in 2011 and that was when I was taking regular high school classes. 1 Month of Writers Block + College work = I melt into a puddle of stressed out goo. Do you want that to happen?! (Izzy, don't say yes.)

However, I will attempt to use November as a motivation tool to get this story going. What should my goal be?

Second thing:
This is a blog, right? So that means I can rant about whatever I want and not even try to keep it professional. I will probably do that. I'll make a table of contents to separate story chapters from personal stuff.

Third thing:


Chapter 3: Friendship (Part 1)

Snow returned to the earth twice and melted away again, and Alf shot up like a sapling in spring. She was now seven years old and could barely remember a time before the dwarves were family. She also couldn't remember her three Rs. Back when she was a princess, Alf had been taught by the very best tutors starting at an early age. At Drakemarsh, however, her learning was sparse and unstructured at best.